A qualitative and quantitative NMR analysis to compare matabolomic activity of adherent (2D) vs aggregated(3D) cell culture (MCF-7)

B. Patra, M. Sharma, W.G. Hale, M. Utz

ENC 2019

Time-lapse NMR spectroscopy was achieved up to 48 hours with MCF-7 cells, cultured in a microfluidic device of volume 2.5 l
Cells were cultured as an attached monolayer (2D) or an aggregated spheroid (3D) using same device design
Cell viability analysis was performed at the end of the NMR experiments

A qualitative and quantitative NMR analysis to compare matabolomic activity of adherent (2D) vs aggregated(3D) cell culture (MCF-7)

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